5 Mistakes Women Often Make in 2024 That Damage Vaginal Health

Hey Queens, welcome! It’s great to see you here. Today, I’m sharing a list of common mistakes that many of us are still making in 2024, which could be harming your vaginal health. You might not even realize that these habits are unhealthy, so let’s dive in.

Using Soap to Wash Your Vagina

In 2024, some of us are still using soap to wash our intimate areas. Amaka, why naaa? You’ve probably heard it a million times: washing your vagina with soap is a no-no. But your coconut head won’t let you rest. Jokes aside, it’s actually unhygienic. Your vagina has a natural way of cleansing itself. Just stick to washing the sides with water only—no soap, please. Thank you.

Inserting Objects into Your Vagina

Please, stop inserting anything and everything into your vagina it’s 2024, ladies! I beg una . Some women are still putting random objects in there. If you’re using a dildo, clean it thoroughly before use. But remember, too much of anything is bad o. And for those letting every guy finger them, okay o. Do you even know where that guy’s fingers have been?

Wearing Lace Underwear

Ladies, it’s 2024, and lace underwear is still not the best choice for your vaginal health. Cotton underwear is the way to go. It’s hygienic and allows fresh air to circulate, so you can stay fresh and smell nice. Ditch the lace and let your V breathe!

Sitting Directly on the Toilet Without Flushing First

This one is seriously underrated. Always flush the toilet before sitting on it, whether there’s anything in there or not. It doesn’t matter how many times you use the toilet—just flush and flush again. Trust me, your V will thank you.

Having Unprotected Sex

Queens, it’s time to stop unprotected sex in 2024! Always use condoms or any form of protection. If your partner insists on going raw, it’s time to reconsider your health is at stake. Practice the safest sex possible!

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